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Consortia Building Workshop: EU Funding for the Bio-Based Industries (BBI)

2 May 2019

Express your interest today to find out about the support from the European Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking

This free to attend event, will give details about the 2019 support from the European Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking and will provide you with the opportunity to:

  • Identify and link with new partners across Europe
  • Join consortia forming around forthcoming 2019 topics
  • Discuss and refine your projects ideas with potential partners
  • Gather information on forthcoming 2019 topics

This event is aimed at companies and research organisations that are interested in European Support for Bio-based Industries (BBI) and who wish to work with European counterparts in collaborative research and innovation projects. The morning session will highlight information about the 2019 support from the BBI Joint Undertaking and the afternoon will be highly participative in support of consortia building and proposal development.

Due to limited spaces, we will operate an Expression of Interest scheme: we aim to confirm your space at the event within 10 working days from submission of your details.
