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EABA Fermentation for algae production technical webinar

17 September 2020

September 16

16:00 Introduction of all participants – toasting moment – dry run

September 17

09:30 Welcome – Richard van Kranenburg and opening presentation – Introduction to algae fermentation – Reza Ranjbar

10:00 Pitch presentation (2 min+1 min Q&A) from each participant

10:40 Industrial practices

11:10 Time to grab a coffee or tea

11:20 Continue Industrial practices

12:20 Mini break for getting your lunch

12:40 Lunch roundtables: choose one of the tables to have a discussion – round up

13:20 Feedback & Scale up

14:00 New product trends

14:40 Time to grab a coffee or tea

14:50 Heterotrophic vs. phototrophic production – Maria Barbosa (WUR)

15:40 Workshop conclusions

16:00 Workshop closure

Please note: times are displayed in Central European Time (CET) UTC+2.

For more information and registration: https://algaeworkshops.org/fermentation-for-algae-production/