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EABA Flash webinar: EU Programmes and Opportunities

17 July 2020

This is an European Algae Biomass Association (EABA)organised event:

16 July 2020

15:30 Dry-run for speakers
Dry-Run and introduction of all participants

17 July 2020

This programme is subject to changes and some parts are to be confirmed.

09:15 EABA Welcome and introduction: Why this Flash Webinar ?
Jean-Paul CadoretEABAPresident, Algama Foods, France

09:25 Opening presentation: Opportunites for algae related projects in the EU framework.
Reference to the Project tender FORalgae
Sandra Moura, Innovation Manager | International Projects EuRa AG

10:15 European Commission strategic vision
Felix Leinemann – European Commission DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

10:30 EC initiatives for the Algae Biomass sector
Andrea WeberEuropean Commission DG MARE

10:45 EC support programmes
Vanessa Campo-RuizEuropean Commission DG MARE

11:00 Short break for a coffee/tea and a walk

11:15 Presentations from reference projects (10 min + 5 Q&A)
GENIALG – Philippe Potin – CNRS / Station Biologique Roscoff, France
MACROCASCADE – Anne-Belinda Bjerre – DTI, Denmark
SpiralG – Monique Ras – BSCM, France
ABACUS – Jean-François Sassi – CEA, France
MAGNIFICENT – Maria Barbosa – Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands
SABANA – Gabriel Acien – Univ. Almeria, Spain
EnhanceMicroalgae – María José Chapela Garrido – ANFACO, Spain
MultiStr3am – Tiago Guerra – A4F, Portugal

12:30 How to network and prepare a winning proposal?

13:00 Debate and conclusions

13:30 End of flash webinar & opportunity for networking (Zoom open until 14.00)

more information and registration: https://algaeworkshops.org/flash-webinar-eu-programmes-and-opportunities-for-algae-biomass/